VIP Training Site • By: Michael Lancto

1) CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE - to our team's email updates! It's best if your new IC Partner subscribes themselves so they can see the important info on the 'thank you page', but if you need to subscribe for them, just make sure to email them the 'thank you page'.

2) CLICK HERE - to see the 20 most recent emailed email Newsletters from Michael - if you do not receive some of these emails, you NEED TO WHITELIST: both and - Search how to whitelist with YOUR email program. Easy, very helpful.

3) Get Started Training Video Site - - provided by David H.

ALSO, login to your InCruise back office, click "TRAINING" on the left-side menu, then click "BASIC TRAINING" - these are very short 1-5 minute videos give you basic understanding of InCruises and you will receive a nice certificate on each completion. When you complete "Basic Training" then click "LEADERSHIP ACADEMY" for more video trainings.

4) Another InCruises upgrade is that as of Feb 2021 InCruises no longer outsources our support with Kayako. We have 76 employees and most of them are in support, and doing a great job.

5) TEAM SELF-REPLICATED MARKETING WEBSITE - It is absolutely essential and important that you read ALL the information on the instruction page to create your self-replicated Team Marketing site. Ask your sponsor for his/her link after you pay your $295 Startup cost.

NOTE: Important when you click the "Continue" button to create your self-replicated site, a popup "Sign In" form appears. Ask your sponsor for the word that goes into both the TOP box and BOTTOM box to proceed. If you sponsor doesn't have this, then email with your name, email, phone and InCruise username to confirm you're on the Michael Lancto team to receive the words for the 2 boxes. Thanks

My (Michael Lancto) strategy in prospecting is to invite my prospects to my replicated website. I know they will all see a perfect presentation every time. I know exactly what is said. The website is available every minute of every day (no waiting for a webinar), and my prospect is less likely to be exposed to other people on a live webinar. This strategy has worked so well for me I've earned multiple 7 figures.

But others have a different strategy and they like to invite prospects to a Live Webinar. So for these people we have Live "InCruise Overview" webinars listed below. My live training webinars on Tuesdays 8:30pm EST are tips and training focused on partners, not prospects, so please do not invite NON partners to our Tuesday VIP webinars.

6) WEBINARS - click here for webinar information. Our InCruises' VIP Cruising Club Tips and Training Live Webinars are every Tue 8:30pm EST please set an alarm so you never miss. The recordings are emailed to our subscribers within 24 hours.

7) VIDEO VAULT - - for various very helpful videos.

8) BRANDING - All Successful Networkers "BRAND" their work. This begins with having your own domain name. Your own domain name is shorter, easier to say and remember & does not reveal what company you are with. I suggest to get a domain name. Here is a video I made - on how to use redirects with your domain name.

If you want more features and more branding, contact your sponsor or Michael Lancto.

9) SCRIPTS - there are only 2 types of people: Those you KNOW and Those you DON'T Know. The people you KNOW are WARM market. The people you DON'T know are COLD market.

  • Your WARM Market is Bigger than you Think - Click Here first - a must read!
  • WARM Market Script - Click Here - updated SEP 16, 2020 (Improved & see Note 10)
  • COLD Market Script - Click Here - updated March 10, 2021
  • CHICKEN List Script - Click Here - updated Dec 26, 2019
  • CHICKEN List Script 2 - Click Here - updated Dec 26, 2019 (TWO call script, easiest)
  • CHICKEN List Script 3 - Click Here - updated Dec 26, 2019 (ONE call script)
  • BUILD LOCALLY - Click Here - updated Feb 23, 2020 (How to build a Local Team)

If you feel you cannot call your warm market contacts, I promise you that the Chicken List 2 Script is the softest and easiest, and Chicken List 3 Script is a close 2nd to being the softest and easiest and no one is offended.

10) $100 Drop Cards - These are 1,000 times more effective than a business card. Order via this link: - because the owner will give 10% of orders (not including a small shipping cost) back to our team to help with our website maintenance and upgrades. To order is simple: click on the link above, then click on the

'Network Marketing' tab - select "InCruises" on the drop down & enter the following:

--a-- your info for Line 1 = this is your website address URL

--b-- your info for Line 2 = this is your firstname and phone number

--c-- additional instructions = verify that you want the $100 bills AND which of the

11) CUSTOM POLO SHIRTS - I have used the company for years, and they are awesome quality and customer service! They also do much more than just Polo Shirts too. New customers can get just 1 (or up to 6 polo shirts) with embroidered logo and shipping for $9.99 but I opt for a better quality shirt, style #1427 for men and #1428 for women only $17.95 each. I noticed they also have #1476 and #1477 same prices, or select the quality your wish.

Please use my referral link as I will get a $20 credit for my next order:

Please mention in the comment box to credit Michael Lancto, Customer: 1038888

Lately Queensboro has overlooked issuing me a credit, so please email Michael your Queesnboro Order number. Thank you.

If you need any assistance, Queensboro Customer service is super friendly. If you order from Queensboro please email me that you placed an order, so I can track it. Thanks

Choose from one of these 2 logos for your polo shirt, or design your own, or have Queensboro design one for you.

Note: Ask Queensboro to match the background color of the "Logo" to the color of the shirt you select and to make your logo 4 inches wide (that's so it's large enough to be easily read)

12) MAGNETIC CAR SIGNS - I suggest you support your local print shop if possible. They will normally be the fastest to deliver. But if not I went to & ordered a pair. With the promo code mine were $16 each for a 10"x20". Click to see mine. And to use the cruise ship logo I used, click here.

13) VEHICLE READ WINDOW AD - click here for details, example and suggestions

14) CUSTOM FACEMASKS - only $6 each including shipping with any message you want on it. Very soft and comfortable and we've washed them and the imprint has not come off. CLICK HERE for all the details. Be specific on color of fabric, color of print and exactly what you want on them. ok?


Note: Updated Nov 11, 2019 First, your warm market (contacts in your cell phone first) are the fastest way to success - they know you're not in prison, not a robot or computer. Just use our script and sound very happy. Second, be prepared for rejection, sarcasm and arrogant travel agents - but if you are consistent you will signup people. Remember "a soft answer turns away wrath: but grievous words stirs up anger." Proverbs 15:1 - Be kind and be more of a 'consultant' than a 'recruiter'. Remember also that your mission is to get them to see the videos on your website, most people don't signup on the first call.

16) LEADS - First, Warm Market People are fast and free to contact. The more people you are willing to contact in your Warm Market the faster and higher your success will be. However, sooner or later everyone runs out of their Warm Market. Second, the next best place to build your business is Good Leads. Don't expect to sign up most of the leads. Also if you use our script with our plan, you WILL get better with practice. I promise. Third, go ask your SPONSOR (the person who signed you up) what the best leads are that you can plug into!

17) TRI-FOLD BROCHURES AND RACK CARDS - - These are printed and shipped from an InCruises Partner/Member (Steven) crossline to us. We are told he has a limited supply and is most likely not going to do an additional printing when these are sold-out. They are very high quality card stock and printing.

18) BUSINESS CARDS - 99% of Networkers do not use business cards effectively. You are in the data collection business. This process works exactly the same with $100 Drop Cards too. Ask "How about I get your email address, I'll send you more information? ___ How about I get your phone number, I'll answer any question?" ____ "How do you spell your name? ______ - Keep old biz cards in your wallet and always carry a good pen. Have the blank back of the old card in hand and with your other hand be ready to write as you ask them these questions. Again: $100 drop cards are better than business cards.

19) YOUR OWN M.D. - The "M" stands for Motivation. Motivation does not come from books, videos, audios, speakers, athletes, actors or politicians! Motivation comes from INSIDE you. You have to WANT success, and WANT it enough to SHOW UP for your daily duties every day 6 days per week. The "D" stands for DISCIPLINE. This means you're disciplined enough to keep working each day until your job gets done!

20) TIME - If you're looking for a get rich quick, this ain't it. BUT if you will give consistent effort with 6 presentations per week (that's just 1 per day) for 50 straight weeks, you'll earn more with us than on your last job, and you'll be "Job Optional" which means you'll have the option if you want to keep your job or fire your boss. If you want success faster, do 2 or 3 presentations per day. But do not set your daily goal too high or you'll soon feel defeated.

21) TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More - we really mean it. As a team when you have questions or problems you cannot solve, call your sponsor or upline. We will help you. Your sponsor and upline are a tremendous help to you with 3-way calls with your prospects or new members too. You will not find an InCruise failure, only an InCruise Partner on the back burner OR an InCruise quitter. So please do not Quit Before the Blessing!

22) LOWER YOUR TAXES - This means you keep more of your hard earned money! I have used for years and every year it saves me a ton of taxes. I started out with their 14-day Trial, then I paid $10/mo, then I paid $99/yr, then I paid $300 for a lifetime. Don't take advice from friends on this matter. - is a free book they are giving away. Plus a bonus book "Go Pro" by Eric Worre, also free.

23) QUESTIONS & OBJECTIONS - You get asked a question or objection, what do you say. There may be several appropriate replies, and often you have to think in the moment. But as you continue to prospect, you WILL get better with time. The following are some suggestions. Print them and Practice them.

"What Will I Be Doing?"

"I Don't Have the Money"

"I am Already so Busy"

"Is this a Pyramid Thing"

"I tried a Home Business. It Didn't Work for me."

"I Will Not Talk to Family & Friends"

24) SCAM, PYRAMID & PONZI - what do these words and terms mean, and WHY is InCruises NONE of these 3? Click Here Now to read, study, save and print this simple document.

AGREEMENTS - Before you can receive pay (income) from InCruises: First, login to your InCruises back office, on the left menu click "Settings" then click "Agreements". Read and check every box. Then click the button at the bottom to sign and date. Second, at the top of the main page when you login to your back office, click and setup your eWallet.


You can ADD any ACTIVE Partner on our team (who has already paid) to our team FB group.


Click Here - and simply study the easy things to do to $ave Thousands on your taxes every year thanks to your InCruises Business.


Click Here - for our checklist of activities to make sure you're moving forward so you can reach your goals. This may be the most helpful document, but ONLY if you use it daily.

28) CREATE YOUR ABOUT ME PAGE - will give you all the tips and resources you need to make your own "About Me" page.

DONATE - Donations are optional and voluntary. Everyone receives the same support, even if you never donate 1 cent. Donations do help provide the resources to improve our websites, graphics, videos and tools for our whole team. This donate button can also be used to pay for additional services by Michael on a donation basis. Thank you.